Sunday, March 19, 2017

SOL19, Language Change

SOL19, Language Change
I am not against change. I may not like all change, but I am capable of reforming for change, and changing things like schedules. In this post, I will talk about one change that I am not okay with. At all. That change is the language program at school. This will not be the most interesting post, but whatever.

A few beginning points.
I am most likely not going to take languages next year. For those that do not know, the school is getting rid of the AS language teachers. Yes, all of the good ones. They are replacing them with a computer system of learning languages. I hold nothing against this language program they are just replacing several really good teachers with a program that I will not learn well from. It saddens me to see the school make as large of a mistake like this. It is a mistake because all of the people who have been with the language program who are seventh graders will not be taking a language for their final year, at least most of the people I have talked to.

There is a larger variety of languages you can take.
It is personalized to each student.
You can take them from home and in school.
Eliminates "Zero Hour" school system
Do not need fluent teachers, just supervisors, although K-6th still needs fluent teachers
Costs a little bit less in the long run

Computers can not fairly judge pronunciation or conversation. They can only judge grammar and a robot voice.
There are not any games or fun parts of the language program. It is just sitting at a computer.
The school is having to buy many new computers, and hire new staff members to teach language.
There will not be projects on culture and food.
There is no food or culture, so we will just know the language not the place and the world behind it.
It is not hands on, it is just a bunch of students sitting in a room and not interacting.
Overall, it is not as fun.
It is harder to learn and memorize when you are just told something and not taught it in conversation.
There is nothing like phrases of the day or other fun things you learn in the language that are not made just for being practical.
I know that I will not benefit as much from learning from a computer as I would from getting to know a person and culture.
There is a wide variety of covered topics.
Students get told how to fix mistakes.
More of a Loganesque approach
Less student experience with language

Overall, there are a lot of cons, and I do not think that it will help the school because why on Earth would someone prefer to talk to a computer than a person. The school will regret the decision in the future, as fewer people will partake in the language program, and in the long run it is not that cost effective and the students will learn many of the benefits of actual people teachers. It is just awful and stupid in my opinion. These are my main reasons, and I just felt like ranting about this today.

I am frustrated, and done with this topic now.


  1. I agree entirely and unequivocally. This is a terrible idea that I think-- and hope-- will not last longer than a year. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late for us sevenths. You organize this very well and I think Sopriak is into using her unit as a way to get a voice out. Great post!

  2. Heh. Sucks for you guys. I'm continuing. While I'm on the subject, a book came into my office on the Electronic method of teaching students. I think you should read it.

  3. Thanks, Zack. I am hating on the program as well. I think that it would be much easier for the current teachers to just stay at Logan. I will not go on a long rant about it, so bye.

    Also, nice post.
