I have a second Guinea pig named Bamboo. He is much younger and newer, so I do not have anywhere near as long of a list of stories for this slice as I did for Norman. Bamboo is a much more laid back squeaky one.
He was gotten around the beginning of December. I bought him from the Dumb Friends League, a company with many, many cute piggies. I brought him home to live with Norman after Norman was very senile, unusually, and we thought that it was loneliness or pig depression. I picked him between two siblings, both male, and I picked him, the older one. He started out as about one half the size of Norman, and now he is the same size. His age is now fifteen weeks. He is very cute and he is a great addition to my pig family.
He is very loud at night. I cover their mansion at night with thick blankets. I do this for two reasons. The first of which is that they are warm, and our house gets cold at night, and I wanted them to be cozy. The second reason is that they sleep better in pitch dark, so it calms them down, and it makes it so I can actually sleep through the squeaks. This quieted them down for a while. They were much more agreeable in the morning, and they were really pleasant for a while. They now have started to squeak through the blankets, so I now have no solution to this problem anymore. Oh well.
When they first met, it took a long time for them to get accustomed to each other. I had to give them time in our bathtub. This is because a bathtub is a clean place that does not have any smell to one of them. They took a lot of adjusting to each other, and they were reluctant to be best friends, but they settled in. They settled in like they were a very old Russian couple who lives in the Alps. They were that comfortable with each other. I only made that comparison because Bamboo also seems like a Babushka to me, so that is what I always think about when I think about him.
I have not had Bamboo for that long, so these are all of the stories I have about him. These stories are not quite as cute, but he is my other pig, so I thought it was important to post about him as he is a cute young fuzzy.
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